polymer hollow capsules fabricated with self-assembly based on hydrogen (left) and covalent (right) bond.

Scientists at the CAS Institute of Chemistry have been succeeded in fabricating stable hollow capsules by extending covalent layer-by-layer self-assembly (CSA) technique from 2-dimensional to 3-dimensional systems.
Hollow capsules at micrometer and nanometer levels could be coaxed into artificial cells, which are used, among other things, for the simulation of bio-chemical reactions in the building blocks of most organisms in nature, for they are more easily manageable than the real cells. In 1998 H. Mohwald and colleagues at Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces synthesized, for the first time in the world, such capsules by employing the layer-by-layer strategy, which has such advantages as finely tuned polymer layer thickness, easily assembled multicomposites. However, until recently, most such studies were done by using a method called electrostatic self-assembly, which is limited to aqueous system and its shell is not stable enough due to the ionic cross-linking nature of the self-assembled layer.
In a paper published in the 36 (11) issues of Macromolecules, a research group headed by Prof. Xu Jian at State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry under the CAS Institute of Chemistry reports their innovative work on synthesis of core-shell particles and hollow capsules by using the CSA technique.
The researchers demonstrate that, since the technique can be carried out in organic solutions, the extension of this technique to a three-dimensional system will extend the use of layer-by-layer strategy from an aqueous system to a nonaqueous system. In addition to the advantages of the electrostatic self-assembly technique, the capsules fabricated by the new technique is highly stable, which is very important for certain application of the capsules. Now further studies are underway to develop microreactors and drug delivery systems by using hollow capsules fabricated with the self-assembly technique based on hydrogen and covalent bonds.